Javorova Vallley
Total Hiking time: 6-8 Hours
Difficulty level: medium
Trail mark colours: red, blue
vertical profile: Tatranská Lomnica (850 m)- Skalnaté pleso (1751 m) – Velka Svistovka pass(2038 m)- Zelené pleso hutt (1551 m) – Kopské sedlo (1750 m) – Javorová dolina (1000 m)
This is an easy hike and is considered suitable for elderly persons and those with families including small children. The trail begins to the right of the gondola base station in Tatranska Lomnica by following the blue trail marker upwards from the Start of the middle gondola station. In front of the Start turn left and continue in a westerly direction through the foothills of Skalnata dolina valley. After approximately 60 – 90 minutes the waterfalls at the Studeny Potok creek, considered to be the main attraction of this hike, are reached. Cross the creek to hike along the Kamzik meadow and the Reinerova hut (the oldest mountain shelter in Tatras) to reach the “Giant waterfall” (on the red trail marker) and then onwards until the Zamkovskeho hut is reached. This should take approximately 60 – 80 minutes. From Zamkovskeho (1,475m) continue along the red trail marker of Tatra magistrale to Skalnate pleso (60 – 90 minutes). From this point descend to Tatranska Lomnica by folllowing the green marker along the winter ski trail (60 – 90 minutes). The hike is open all year but in the case of avalanche danger, the section Zamkovskeho hut to Skalnate pleso may be closed.
The Maple Valley is 8 km long valley, oriented to the north, with several side-valleys. It is attractive because it is close to the Belianske Tatras that surround the valley on the north-east side. On the south and the east it is surrounded by the ridge of the High Tatras with the dominant Ľadový štít (Ice Peak). On the western side, there is a crotch of Javorinská Široká.
A green marked tourist path going along the Javorinka creek will lead you through the forested valley. When you reach the Poľana pod Muráňom (Poľana below Muráň), you can continue to the side-valley Zadné Meďodoly, which geologically is a part of the Belianske Tatras. The name reveals that the region was a mining area (copper-mining). The path continues through the valley passing attractive limestone peaks such as Havran (Raven) and Ždiarska Vidla, reaches the Kopské Mountain-saddle and the Dolina Bielych Plies (White Mountain-lakes Valley). In the saddle ends the main ridge of the High Tatras and starts the ridge of the Belianske Tatras. In the saddle ends also a one way(!!!) educational path Ždiar – Monkova dolina (Monkova Valley) – Široké sedlo (Wide Saddle), the only path that crosses the ridge of the Belianske Tatras.
The Maple Valley ends above the zone of forest by the Zadná Javorová Dolina (Back Maple Valley) with a lot of dominant peaks and towers. A steep slope at the Žabie Javorové
Pleso (Frog Maple Mountain-lake) ends at the mountain-saddle Sedielko with a passing to the Malá Studená Dolina (Small Cold Valley).